Since ancient times, people have respected, feared, and cherished nature. In Japan, trees such as pine trees, Sakaki, vertebrae, and camellias, among others, were worshipped as substitutes for divine spirits.
In the 6th century, with the introduction of Buddhism, offerings of flowers were made, which later developed into ikebana. During the Meiji period (1868-1912), Western lifestyles and customs were introduced, and flowers began to be displayed in Western table settings at court banquets. This can be said to be the first step in Japanese floral design. In 1967, the Nippon Flower Designers Association was established.
Flower design, also known as floral design overseas, is a general term that refers to a form of expression that draws out the beauty of plants in their natural state and expresses them more beautifully based on certain design principles and basic techniques in accordance with the TPO of daily life. It is not limited to flowers, but also includes the use of various plant materials and sometimes artificial flowers. Flower arrangement is one of these fields, and floral design also transcends the boundaries of various other genres, such as wedding bouquets, floral accessories, and clothing.

Information about the Nippon Flower Designers Association.

Information on events held by the Nippon Flower Designers Association.

About the Nippon Flower Designers Association’s Flower Designer Qualification Examination.

The following is an introduction to the social contribution activities of the Nippon Flower Designers Association and other activities of the association.